4 Takeaways I got From Atomic Habits- How to Change your Habits for the Better
Atomic Habits by James Clear is the latest self-development book that promises to help you with motivation and organization through a systematic approach. I have to admit that I was skeptical about this book, since there seems to be a new self-help book out every six months that promises to revolutionize your life.
Atomic Habits really did teach me so much and it was actually really enjoyable to read. I started implementing small changes in my day to day life after only the first time reading it and have already seen results.
Start small & start with a concrete goal in mind.
One of the reasons that so many of us fail to achieve our goals is that we start with really unrealistic expectations. In my case, I would do this and then quickly become overwhelmed when I didn’t feel like I was making any progress.
Make sure that you have a concrete goal and can take actionable steps to get to it. We all want to be healthier, but what does that look like for you? Simply writing down the goal “Get healthier” probably won’t reap any results. Writing down, “Exercise 4x per week and incorporate vegetables in every meal,” is a task that you can actually measure, accomplish, and track.
2. Make your habit more desirable.
I have an unnatural aversion towards making my bed after washing my sheets and unloading the dishwasher. (Don’t ask me why, I have no idea). Obviously these are tasks that I have to regularly do, so I always convince myself to do them by pairing these tasks with something I like to do.
I’m a Real Housewives addict and I also listen to some comedic podcasts, so if I’m doing a chore I really dislike I’ll convince myself to do it by also listening to my podcasts or watching a few minutes of my shows. It’s so simple, but it works everytime.
3. Make your habits obvious.
Out of sight, out of mind is a real thing. For me, if I don’t remind myself with little hints, then it won’t get done. One of my goals is to brush up on my Russian and to learn Arabic.
A big part of language learning is daily practice. To make sure that I get in this habit I keep my books and notebooks on top of my desk so that I see them every single day. I also have an app on my phone that I use at least 5 minutes per day.
4. Get an accountability partner.
We’re much more likely to follow through on our goals if we have someone to hold us accountable. As humans, we're wired to avoid shame and embarrassment, so having someone in our lives who we communicate our goals to and who forces us to be honest, is key.
Some people even go so far as to have a written contract with their accountability partner with the promise of a consequence. (For example, I will pay my friend $50 if I don’t go to the gym 5 days/week.
These are just some of the key takeaways from this book that have helped me immensely. I highly recommend this book for anyone who struggles with consistency like me and is looking for a way to optimize their routine.
What books have been a game changer for you and how?
Alexandria is the host of the Women We Love Wednesday Podcast, Founder of Dáma Detroit, and content creator of all things food at Eats by Sasha.